Autumn Splendor
Fiber Art - Cotton Fabrics, Embellishing Stitches, Acrylics. Floating mount on canvas.
As you stand before this piece, let your imagination take you into this mystical forest. Feel the crispness of the air. Smell the changing of the seasons. Hear the rustling of leaves under foot. Delight in the contrast of the crispness of the birch trees mingled with the softness of the evergreens. Enjoy the dance of oranges, yellows, reds, and greens of autumn. Spending time being present to the nature around us feeds our gentle spirit.
By Polly Sievert
Summer: 7707 East Birch Lake Road, Winchester, WI 54557 Residence: 13664 Armstead Drive, St. Louis, MO 63131
[email protected]
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$120 + tax
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