2019 Art Show Award-Winning Art

Best of Show

Melinda Schnell • “Lateral Lines” • Watercolor Painting
An astonishing composition of underwater life, skillfully rendered with an appropriate technique that allows for wide-ranging transparency and sense of depth seen from below which dramatically positions the viewer.

Patrons’ Choice

Melinda Schnell • “Acceptance” • Watercolor Painting

Peoples’ Choice

Melinda Schnell • “Realization” • Watercolor Painting

Merit Awards

Rosemary Ahmann • “Water” • Constructed Photograph
A multidimensional and somewhat mysterious composition of a natural phenomenon taken a step further through layered planes wherein the light-refracted subject is rendered as a generative negative space, in contrast to the surrounding textured environment.

Christine Alfery • “The Song the Wind Sings...” • Acrylic Painting
A highly abstracted and exploding composition, layered of quantitative forms superimposed upon an ambiguous landscape suggesting a tectonic cleft, as a storied map of describing evolution and transcendence.

Kathleen Kvern • “Red Boat” • Encaustic Painting
A fertile representation of emotional complexity thick with the prospect of a truth to be revealed yet clouded by the passage of time, seen reluctantly from the corner of the mind’s eye.

Susan Lansdown • “The Scent” • Oil Painting
A seemingly traditional plein air autumnal composition that effectively employs various painterly techniques to well-define dimensional space, with the incidence of low horizon light and strategic placement of interdepending forms, which is leavened and punctuated by the choice of incidental subject.

Nancy TeWinkel • “Perches in the Soul” • Mixed Media Painting
Seen as a coolish and specular transparency through which translucent objects float into poetic proximity. The feathery ascending subject evokes a virginal sense of relationship among seemingly organic forms.

Honorable Mention

Terry Daulton • “Norway Point” • Pastel Drawing
An extraordinarily effective representation of somber beauty in a privately loved space.

Gloria Kehl • “Heirloom” • Oil Painting
Joyous and deliciously rendered.

Art Long • “Woodland Prince” • Bronze Sculpture
A singular achievement in naturalistic representation.

Cameron McFarland • “Study 3” • Mixed Media Drawing
A conceptual work reflecting deep mediation on the artist’s sense of spacial relationships and the perpetual confrontation of culture against nature.

Gale Nickels • “Cabin in the Woods” • Watercolor Painting
Lovingly rendered, the technique of gentle transparency enlivens its fantasy as in the realm of a classic storybook that lasts from childhood to old age, delighting all who pass its way.

David Peacock • “Shoreline Scene” • Oil Painting
Remarkably reflective of a dead-on stylistic discipline and sense of history.

Sheri Smith • “Santa Fe Wrap” • Hand-Woven Textile
Perhaps too beautiful to wear, the sophisticated color transition of this work is transcendent.

Robin Zimmerman • “Big Blue’s Breakfast” • Batik Textile
A refreshingly naturalistic appeal to a complex and surprisingly activated subject, given the limitations of the medium.