2023 Art Show Award-Winning Art

Best of Show

Sandra Cashman
“A Storm is Brewing” - Oil

Merit Awards

Christine Alfery
“Rocks Along the Shore” - Watermedia
Darby Jordan
“Snowy Owl” - Pastel
Bill Kingsbury
“Double Vision II” - Wood Turned Cherry
Robert Wilkens
“The Journey of Wisdom” - Oil  
Kay Lorbiecki
“Loon and Chick, Last Light of Day” - Acrylic

Honorable Mention

David Barnhill
“Heaven's River Rising” - Photography

Frank Bissell
“South Island Range” - Acrylic

Susan Lansdown
"Field of Dreams” - Oil

Barbara McFarland
“Toward the UP” - Cold Wax

Mitchell Myers
“Fall Birches” - Photography

Peg Sandin
“Spring Trillium” - Watercolor

Melinda Schnell
“Rock & Roll” - Ink & Watercolor

Jillayne Waite
“Red Door” - Stoneware